Extension Modules > MySQL

Module MySQL Overview

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Original MySQL Documentation

--- Code: --- mysql::RealConnect(host,user,password,database [,port])
--- End code ---

Does it work on non-local connections?
I am trying on different external mysql servers and only receive error.

--- Code: ---(0): error 0x00080002:Extension specific error: %s
--- End code ---


Many MySQL servers don't allow external connections due to abuse and resource utilization trying to access it by brute force.

I would try accessing the server with Excel / ODBC just to make sure you have access rights, If all is good there, we can dig a little deeper why the SB extension module is returning an extension error.

I can connect without problems with the command > mysql -u
To test, I have created a database in a free hosting.

--- Code: ---include mysql.bas
dbh =  mysql::RealConnect("sql8.freemysqlhosting.net","sql8183953","N9yUkvribn","sql8183953","3306")
PRINT "Host info is: ",mysql::GetHostInfo(dbh),"\n"

--- End code ---

--- Code: ---mysql -u sql8183953 -h sql8.freemysqlhosting.net -p

--- End code ---

I'm not sure but sending the port number as a string may be causing a problem.

My guess is at this point you're getting a CR_CONN_HOST_ERROR  response error message.


My guess was correct and not passing the port number as a string allowed me to connect to your remote MySQL server with the Script BASIC extension module.

--- Code: Script BASIC ---include mysql.basdbh =  mysql::RealConnect("sql8.freemysqlhosting.net","sql8183953","N9yUkvribn","sql8183953",3306)PRINT "Host info is: ",mysql::GetHostInfo(dbh),"\n" 

jrs@jrs-laptop:~/sb/examples/test$ scriba mysql_remote.sb
Host info is: sql8.freemysqlhosting.net via TCP/IP

Here is an example of querying the MySQL information_schema tables.

--- Code: Script BASIC ---IMPORT mysql.basdbh =  mysql::RealConnect("sql8.freemysqlhosting.net","sql8183953","N9yUkvribn","sql8183953",3306)mysql::query(dbh,"SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES")WHILE mysql::FetchHash(dbh,tbls)  FOR x = 0 TO UBOUND(tbls) STEP 2    PRINT tbls[x]," - ",tbls[x+1],"\n"  NEXT  PRINTNLWENDmysql::Close(dbh) 


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