3.11. Getting Help

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At any time when the debugger waits for your input the command h prints a help screen.

h help
s step one line, or just press return on the line
S step one line, do not step into functions or subs
o step until getting out of the current function
  (if you stepped into but changed your mind)
? var  print the value of a variable
u step one level up in the stack
d step one level down in the stack (for variable printing)
D step down in the stack to current execution depth
G list all global variables
L list all local variables
l [n-m] list the source lines
r [n] run to line n
R [n] run to line n but do not stop in recursive function call
b [n] set breakpoint on the line n or the current line
B [n-m] remove breakpoints from lines
q quit the program

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