1. Introduction

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The CURL module provides easy and still powerful functions to perform various network oriented actions that are based on URL to access data. For example CURL can perform getting data via HTTP, HTTPS from web pages, POST data to web pages, transer file to and from servers via FTP and so on.

To use the module the program has to import the BASIC "header" file named curl.bas. This should be done using the command import:

import curl.bas

Note that there are no double quotes around the file name to include the definition of the C implemented curl functions from the module interface header files include directory.

There are only a few functions defined in this file. The first function that an application has to call is curl::init() to get a handle to a connection. A single program can use several connections simultaneous, tough currently there is no possibility to download large files asynchronous.

Follwing the initialization the program has to set several options calling curl::option, and then should call the function curl::perform to actually perform the download/upload or other network action. When a connection is not used anymore the function curl::finish can be called, though this function is executed automatically for each connection when the interpreter exists.

import curl.bas
CURL = curl::init()
curl::option CURL,"URL","http://scriptbasic.com/html/index.html"
curl::option CURL,"FILE","C:\\ScriptBasicMirror\\html\\index.html"
curl::perform CURL
PRINT "Some error happened while trying to download ScriptBasic home page. The error message is:\n"
PRINT curl::error()

For more information on other functions read the appropriate chapters.

The name CURL is made of the name of the programming language C in which CURL is implemented and from the word URL. This text that you are reading is the documentation of the ScriptBasic implementation of CURL. This implementation includes an interface module that containc C coded BASIC callable function that map most (or some) of the CURL library functions. In other words using this program yu can access most (or some) of the functions that the CURL library provides.

Altough the CURL library is quite flexible, there are some options that are altered in this module to ease the use for BASIC programmers. For example the option POSTFIELDS accepts zero terminated string by default, because 1.) POST data usually does not contain zero character and 2.) this is the easy way for C programmers. On the other hand there is a possibility, though more complex to pass string and length to the option. Because all ScriptBasic strings are arbitrary binary data and not zero character terminated strings this second method is followed.

Some of the options on the C level accept long numbers from a finite set and CURL C header files define enum types for the purpose. In these cases the ScriptBasic interface requires strings being specified by the BASIC program as option and convert to long as appropriate to CURL.

The option names in the original CURL interface are defined in enum and thus options are defined as long constants. The BASIC interface works with strings, and converts the names specified as strings to their appropriate value. This is (I assume) simpler for the BASIC programmers and on the other hand induces only slight overhead as compared to network transfer times.

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